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Remove Ads

Removing ads is a great way to thank the people who support your site. You can make sure web monetized visitors have a smooth experience without forgoing monetization of the rest of your visitors.

Here's an example that removes its ads for web monetized visitors.


<!-- this should be set to your own payment pointer -->
<link rel="monetization" href="">

const adCode = '<div style="border:1px solid #f00;color:red;margin:20px">Ad! Buy product A! Ad!</div>'
function showAds () {
document.getElementById('ad').innerHTML = adCode

function removeAds () {

let hasPaid = false
if (window.MonetizationEvent) {
const link = document.querySelector('link[rel="monetization"]')
link.addEventListener('monetization', ev => {
hasPaid = true

window.addEventListener('load', () => {
if (!window.MonetizationEvent) {
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
if (!hasPaid) {
}, 3000)

<div id="ad">

Here's some real content.

Users who visit the site without Web Monetization will see ads appear as soon as the page loads.

Users who have Web Monetization in their browser won't see the ads immediately. There's a three-second grace period for Web Monetization to initialize.

If Web Monetization:

  • Initializes before the three seconds are up, the ads never appear.
  • Fails to initialize within three seconds, the ads will load into the page.
  • Initializes any time after the three seconds are up, the ads will be removed.

How does it work?

This works a little bit differently from the exclusive content example. The ad is not added to the page at all until you decide to show ads. That means images and trackers are not loaded for web monetized visitors.

const adCode = '<div style="border:1px solid #f00;color:red;margin:20px">Ad! Buy product A! Ad!</div>'
function showAds () {
document.getElementById('ad').innerHTML = adCode

If the visitor is web monetized, then we bind the monetization event. This triggers the removal of the ad once Web Monetization initializes.

The hasPaid variable is used in the timer to see whether Web Monetization has started after the grace period is over.

let hasPaid = false
if (window.MonetizationEvent) {
const link = document.querySelector('link[rel="monetization"]')
link.addEventListener('monetization', ev => {
hasPaid = true

As soon as the page loads, any visitor who does not have Web Monetization (!window.MonetizationEvent) sees the ad immediately. If the visitor does have Web Monetization, the three-second timer starts. We check whether the monetization event has fired when the timer is up. If Web Monetization hasn't initialized, the visitor is shown the ad.

window.addEventListener('load', () => {
if (!window.MonetizationEvent) {
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
if (!hasPaid) {
}, 3000)

Interactive example

This example simulates hiding an ad from a web monetized visitor and showing the add to a non-web monetized visitor. The example doesn't require you to have Web Monetization enabled in your browser. No real payments are occurring.

Click the View as Web Monetized/non-Web Monetized visitor button to toggle your monetization state.

If you see the source files instead of the example, click View App in the bottom right.